The Power of Football

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I often get asked what I like to do in my spare time. I have two main passions outside of my family and my work, they are football and helping others to thrive and to become the best they can be. My football coaching allows me to guide and encourage the youngsters on Sal to make good life choices. Opportunities are limited in Cape Verde, jobs are in short supply and poverty is still a big issue in some areas. The key to getting a job within tourism is to get an education, therefore I try to encourage them to study hard for their future. From a young age most kids play football, it encourages team sprit and gives them a sense of belonging. All they need is a football and a beach or piece of flat land so it’s assessable to all. Bare foot football is common! Over time, through football, we are able to build relationships of trust which then enables us to help, support and encourage the next generation of Cape Verdean’s.

On Sunday we had a great few hours playing football and then I was able to distribute a huge selection of football kits to the kids. All kindly donated by a lovely couple from the UK, they were all overjoyed. If you are coming out on holiday and would like to bring some donations please get in contact with me. It really does make such a difference to these kids lives and well being. The sort of things we are currently in need of are, stationery, clothes (new or used), books, toys and games that encourage English speaking, sportswear including football boots and trainers (new of used).

Handing out kit.

A massive thank you to everyone that helps to make this possible 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾